Titan Gymnastic Grips
UKSF Flack Sweatbands
CNP Creatine E2 Capsules
Weightlifting tape x 3 rolls
ROKFIT Seek & Endure (unisex)
ROKFIT Savage unisex T-shirt
SCI-MX Diet Meal Replacement
SCI-MX Creatine Monohydrate
ROKFIT Focus unisex T-shirt
Lu Xiaojun velcro weightlifting belt - GREY
UKSF Dacron lifting straps BLACK
UKSF Dacron lifting straps KHAKI
UKSF Tier 1 wrist wraps - Black Stripe
UKSF X1 matt red rope
UKSF X1 matt black rope
UKSF Heavy duty drag rope
UKSF Basic WOD rope
Lu Xiaojun lightweight WOD belt - PINK
Lu Xiaojun Leather Weightlifting Belt - ORANGE
Lu Xiaojun velcro weightlifting belt - CAMO
Lu Xiaojun 7mm neoprene sleeves
To access the armoury, please scan the QR code below using your mobile device.